A court has just awarded a woman $1.2 billion in a revenge porn case against her former boyfriend.

The court system is now just issuing all sorts of insane judgments against people.

You may remember how a court ruled that Alex Jones had to pay a billion dollars or whatever because he hurt the feelings of the Sandy Hook parents for his opinions on the Sandy Hook incident. The idea that those parents suffered a billion dollars in emotional damages because of the opinions he expressed is an absurdity. It is also an absurdity to expect Jones to pay a billion dollars because of his opinions.

This case here is equally as absurd. Spreading pornographic materials of somebody without their consent while certainly immoral does not constitute $1.2 billion worth of damages. There are also lots of things that are immoral or could be considered immoral. So does this mean that any time somebody does something that a court considers immoral, they have to pay billions of dollars?

At the same time, this bitch agreed to film the porn in the first place. So how much a victim is she really?

Nobody outside of maybe a handful of billionaires have the ability to pay $1.2 billion. The black guy who was the target of this lawsuit certainly doesn’t and never will have the ability to pay this amount of money.

The ruling is totally ridiculous for all sorts of reasons and does not remotely fit the definition of “justice.”

It is also another case of the court system reinforcing the toxic feminism that persists throughout this collapsing country. We have all sorts of sluts doing OnlyFans content, posting porn, posting nudes etc.. but god forbid if a man decides to post some private porn of a woman he had sex with on the Internet to get back at her for whatever reason. That just can’t be allowed and we now have a court saying that you’ll have to pay gazillions of dollars for doing something like this against a woman.