The White House has insisted that Joe Biden doesn’t have dementia or any other brain disease and just had a bad night at the recent debate.


US President Joe Biden does not have Alzheimer’s or dementia, and “knows how to do the job,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has told reporters, after senior Democrats acknowledged that concerns about the president’s mental fitness are “legitimate.”

Appearing visibly confused, Biden mixed up his words and struggled to finish sentences during last week’s debate against former President Donald Trump. The 81-year-old’s performance has been declared a disaster by American news organizations and Democratic Party donors, some of whom have called on Biden to immediately suspend his reelection campaign.

“I think it’s a legitimate question to say: ‘Is this an episode or is this a condition?’” Former US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told MSNBC on Tuesday morning.

“We understand the concerns, we get it, the president did not have a good night,” Jean-Pierre told reporters at a briefing later in the afternoon. Repeating Biden’s explanation that he “had a cold” and “had a hoarse voice,” Jean-Pierre insisted that the president “knows how to do the job,” and “knows how to get back up” after a setback.

The man’s brain has been mush for years. People are only realizing that his brain is mush now because they have been utterly brainwashed by liars in the Jew media to think otherwise.

It’s absurd that these people are still trying to claim that there is nothing wrong with Biden. There’s an endless amount of clips years before the recent debate that shows he doesn’t know where he is half the time. He has no business being President of the United States. He is a puppet who was installed by sadistic Jews. That’s all he is.

If there’s any good news it is that Hunter Biden seems to be taking charge of things. I think the Democrats should replace old Joe with Hunter. The ugly Jewish whore Laura Loomer disagrees with my assessment but she’s an ugly Jewish whore so her opinion doesn’t mean shit.