The White House has condemned a pro-Palestine protest on Wall Street. That’s because the White House is run by Jews and use a senile old man who shits his pants as their front man puppet.


US President Joe Biden’s administration has condemned a pro-Palestinian protest which was held outside a New York City exhibit commemorating the October 7 death of Israelis attending a music festival near Gaza when Hamas attacked the event.

Hundreds of people gathered in Manhattan on Monday evening and marched to the venue of the Nova Festival exhibition, carrying Palestinian flags, and the banners of Hamas and Hezbollah.

“Anti-Semitism has no place in the US,” White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said in a statement, calling the behavior of the protesters “horrifying” as well as “outrageous and heartbreaking.”

“Profane banners of terrorist organizations should not be flown anywhere, especially not on American streets,” Bates said.

The Nova Festival exhibit was set up in Lower Manhattan, near the New York Stock Exchange building. It commemorated the 364 people who were killed on October 7 last year, during the series of Hamas attacks on Israel.

Videos circulating on social media showed the pro-Palestinian demonstrators outside the venue chanting “Israel, go to hell” and “Long live the intifada,” the Arab word for uprising.

They say “anti-Semitism” has no place in the United States. I’d beg to differ but that’s besides the point.

How many times have we heard this stupid phrase before? This phrase isn’t working. You can’t use this stupid phrase to stop people from protesting a bunch of evil Jews who are doing a genocide against people. This phrase might have worked on boomer retards, but it doesn’t have much of an impact on anybody under the age of 50.

The White House strategy of pretending to push for a ceasefire is not working. Everybody sees through this. They’re clearly 100 percent on the side of Israel because they keep giving them the weapons to do the genocide they’re carrying out.

This whole situation is not sustainable which is why we see various Jews pushing to get Donald Trump back into the presidency.