There are reports that the USS Gerald Ford is being ordered back to the United States. The USS Gerald Ford carrier group was originally deployed to the Mediterranean Sea as a check on Hezbollah for Israel.

If these reports prove true, it represents a huge blow to the Zionists who are deliberately trying to drag the US into a larger regional war. It is also another indicator of the growing behind the scenes rift that has occurred between the Jews in Washington DC and the Israeli regime. The crimes in Gaza are so over the top that it has damaged the working relationship.

We’ve also seen some of this leak out into the public sphere with the Jewish paper of record suddenly publishing a variety of negative articles about Israel.

Even if the US was 100 percent behind everything Bibi and the Zionists are doing, they do not have the capabilities to win the fight that is being asked of them.

The Jews in Washington DC along with Democrats have been put into a position where they are being asked to defend a genocide which totally contradicts everything their supporters have been brainwashed to believe. They see Israel as being a bunch of racists slaughtering poor brown people for no reason. They’ve been put between a rock and a hard place by the Israelis.