The United Nations issued a statement saying that groups giving Israel weapons could be complicit in war crimes.


A group of United Nations experts on Thursday warned arms and ammunitions manufacturers against taking part in the transfer of weapons to Israel, saying it could make them complicit in human rights abuses and violations of international law.

The group of 30 experts, including several U.N. Special Rapporteurs, said arms manufacturers supplying Israel should halt their transfers of war materiel, “even if they are executed under existing export licenses”.

This would by extension include the United States government which has been the main provider of weapons to this Jewish terrorist entity. They even said that their policy of supporting Jewish terrorism remains unchanged despite admitting that it is reasonable to believe that the Jews are doing war crimes.

All these people are guilty of genocide and war crimes. This fact is not debatable. Everyone has seen what has gone on in Gaza.

Unfortunately, the UN has shown repeatedly that it is incapable of doing anything to stop Israel’s war crimes so nothing is going to happen with this. It is however notable that there is an increasing amount of criticism towards Israel within the UN itself. It shows that political momentum is mounting against the Jews around the world.