David Cameron wants to go after everything Russian because he’s an asshole who talks like a fag.


The West must show Moscow that it stands “completely” behind Ukraine by sanctioning everything Russian, Britain’s foreign secretary David Cameron has said.

Cameron spoke at a press conference in London as British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s government announced new sanctions against Russia. His remarks were published on Friday, by the Italian daily Corriere della Sera.

“We will show [Russian President Vladimir] Putin that we are completely behind Ukraine: we will chase the money and the oil, we will stop the gas, we will stop the ships, we will do everything we can to stop the Russian war machine and show Putin the folly of his actions,” Cameron told the Italian outlet

The UK is “hunting” companies that do business with Russia “all over the world,” he said. “We will sanction companies in China, in Türkiye, in Kyrgyzstan, even in Israel, that we believe are supplying dual-use material” to Russia, he added.

Don’t the Brits have more important things to worry about? Why the obsession with Russia and promoting gay sex in the Donbass?

The UK has been overrun with street shitters and there is a literal street shitter in the highest political office of the country.

On top of that the economy is in the toilet. So why this obsession with Russia? Is it because the UK is run by Jews? That’s a rhetorical question. It absolutely is run by Jews.

Cameron himself once bragged about being part Jewish and he also stuck his dick in a pig.

Suffice to say he is not a good person.