Women are demanding access to a 140-year-old British flyfishing club. They are claiming that they just want to be equal.

These cunts demanding access to this male-only fishing club can just fuck the hell off. You can’t tell me that any of these whores are really into flyfishing. This claim is pure bullshit. They’re just looking to ruin the few remaining male-only spaces that somehow stil exist in the Jewed-out West.

As far as their equality goes, I say fuck their equality. They already have special rights solely because of that stinky hole that they have between their legs. They can’t keep pretending some type of victim status because they aren’t allowed in some old fishing club.

Women are constantly looking for ways to gain access to male spaces so they can stir up drama in order to draw attention to themselves. This is just another example of this.

We need to push women out of public life entirely. Their presence in the world of politics, business and other traditional male spaces has been a ridiculous disaster. They’ve literally ruined everything.