Twitter is reportedly struggling to keep active users posting on the site.

This kike has a real stupid take on the situation.

I absolutely believe that this report is true. The reason for this is because of the mass censorship, and bots posting/supporting all sorts of Jewish bullshit. It has become an artificial reality that largely attempts to present and support a Jewish world view.

The site would immediately have more active users if they banned the bots and eliminated all the censorship. It’s just common sense. What originally made Twitter interesting was the ability to go back and forth with people who you disagree with. When they started banning people, it made the site far less interesting and useful. Now the site is just 90 percent Jewish propaganda, porn and crypto spam.

Elon Musk understands all of this. If he solves the bot problem and brings back free speech, engagement will rise and revenues will increase with it. Cutting the thousands of useless employees they have won’t hurt the bottom line either.