The Jew-run media has been foaming at the mouth about Donald Trump’s former Jew lawyer Michael Cohen pleading guilty to a myriad of financial crimes. They literally think this is the end of Trump’s presidency.

The big thing out of this is that Cohen is claiming that Trump directed him to violate campaign finance law by paying off porno sluts for their silence.

Since the special counsel has nothing on Russian collusion or obstruction of justice, it looks like they’re going to claim that Trump violated campaign finance laws via Cohen’s testimony, put that in their goofy ass report and try to use it as justification for Congress to impeach him. That seems to be the only play they have left.

But they tried to charge former presidential candidate John Edwards with similar crimes and that case failed. This case looks far weaker than what Edwards was charged with.

And it’s not like Cohen is a credible person. He’s a dishonest kike who was recording all sorts of people including Trump without their knowledge.

It also isn’t illegal to pay somebody for their silence. It happens all the time in business and especially with famous people. How this is even tied into violating election law is a highly questionable legal gray area.

At this point, Trump needs to purge all these Jews from his orbit. They can’t be trusted for obvious reasons.