After Joe Biden announced that he was going to force millions of Americans to take the death vaxx, Donald Trump has remained silent on the issue. It has been over 24-hours since Biden gave the vaxx speech and I have not seen any public statement from Trump on this topic. If he has made a statement, he certainly hasn’t made a big deal out of it.

There’s nothing on his website addressing the forced-vaxxing.

Here’s a screen grab showing the most recent posts. He actually posted something about Jews and Biden not doing enough for them but nothing about the forced-vaxx announcement.

The vaxx issue is by far the most important issue for Trump’s base so for him not to issue a statement on it is ridiculous.

Of course, Trump himself was shilling the vaxx at one of his rallies and was booed by his own supporters for doing it.

At this point, I wish Trump would just fade away into obscurity. Anybody who is not aggressively opposing the forced-vaxx agenda is of no political value in this environment.