The Jewish paper of record is reporting that Donald Trump plans to put people into camps as part of a mass deportation operation if he regains the presidency.

Based on what is described in the report, his plans would basically be similar to what took place with Operation Wetback during the Eisenhower era. He’d also push to end birthright citizenship and do other things that generally sound good on paper.

Obviously I support any serious plan to remove illegal aliens, but I’m also very skeptical that Trump can return to power let alone implement these plans. We have a totally rigged election system and they’ve used the corrupt legal system to charge him with all sorts of fake crimes.

It is worth noting that all the third world people who have been brought in via Jewish immigration policies are starting to make the Jews very nervous. The Israeli genocide in Palestine has seriously heightened the dislike of Jews everywhere. This means the Jews out of their own self preservation might begin to support Trump’s deportation plans and put their diversity agendas on hold.

We need much more than mass deportations though. There are millions of people who were wrongly given citizenship as a result of the immigration law passed in 1965 by Jews. The situation might not even be fixable outside of secession or balkanization.

We’ll see what happens though. Trump was in New York City for a UFC event last night with Tucker Carlson, Kid Rock and Dana White. He received a warm welcome from the crowd.

There’s also the possibility that there won’t even be a 2024 election because of how crazy and unstable everything is becoming. Only time will tell. There is no way to predict what the political environment will be a year from now. Look at how much has changed in just the past year.