The media is hyping claims that Donald Trump’s upcoming rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma is dangerous and will help spread the coronavirus. This according to “health experts.”


After months away from the campaign trail, President Donald Trump plans to rally his supporters this coming Saturday for the first time since most of the country was shuttered by the coronavirus. Trump will head to Tulsa, Oklahoma — a state that has seen relatively few COVID-19 cases.

But health experts question the decision, citing the danger of infection spreading among the crowd and sparking outbreaks when people return to their homes. The Trump campaign itself acknowledges the risk in a waiver attendees must agree to absolving them of any responsibility should people get sick.

Not a problem. All Trump has to do is not call it a MAGA rally. He can say that it is a rally for social justice and to honor George Floyd, the second coming of Jesus Christ who was killed by a racist cop.

Once he does that, the rally will hold no health risks. The only time there are ever coronavirus health risks are when normal people or people with right-wing political views assemble and gather. The coronavirus is of no threat to rioters, looters and people who support left-wing groups like Black Lives Matter and anti-fascist terrorists. It is simple science.