A women’s cyclocross champion named Hannah Arensman has quit the sport after she lost a race to a tranny. She was on Fox News whining about all the strong tranny women she was being forced to compete against.

She also talked about her retirement with the feminist Megyn Kelly.

Talk about a sore loser. She should woman up and stop being such a vagina about it.

Joking aside, I think this tranny shit is dumb and insane, but this is what women voted for and supported. They are just getting what they deserve.

Women wanted to invade every male space to the point where men have no spaces of their own. Yet these same women are getting angry at the fact that we see an increasing number of men claiming to be a woman and ruining their sporting competitions.

Like I’ve said before, I will fully support the tranny revolution in women’s sports until I see a true attitude adjustment from women. This means these women rejecting feminism, rejecting no-fault divorce and other anti-male laws. Until that time comes, I hope trannies invade and dominate every type of woman’s sporting competition.