After Texas police stood outside a school while a maniac was inside shooting and killing kids, it is good to see that police are finally taking the threat of mass shootings more seriously.

In Florida, cops arrested a 10-year-old 5th grader for making mass shooting jokes.

I fully support this action. We can’t have 10-year-olds making jokes like this over text message. Jokes can kill people and are far more deadly than mobs of black people or armed maniacs inside schools actively killing people.

I’d also like to note that Carmine Marceno is a tough guy and a tough cop. He’s so tough that he shows his toughness by tweeting in all CAPS about arresting a 10-year-old.

I mean only real tough guys tweet in all CAPS and Carmine Marceno is a real alpha male tough guy.

The police have totally redeemed themselves by taking down this 10-year-old for making jokes. They were quite brave to arrest him as I’m sure they faced potential death in bringing him to justice.

Because of this heroic action, I am now going to get a “back the blue” sticker and put it on the bumper of my automobile. How can you not support this type of toughness and bravery displayed by these brave men and women of law enforcement?