The President of the United States Donald Trump is in France today attending a World War I commemoration ceremony. During his travels, his presidential motorcade was attacked by a topless skank from the leftist female terrorist group Femen.

The French branch of Femen has claimed responsibility.

This is not a new phenomenon. A group of Femen skanks did the same thing to Russian leader Vladimir Putin several years ago. Putin appeared to find the incident highly amusing based on the hilarious look on his face.

Allegedly the purpose of this group is to fight the patriarchy etc.. But the real reason these skanks are doing this stems from their desire to be physically manhandled and put in their place by grown men.

Also of note is the fact that these Femen protesters primarily target strong alpha male political figures like Trump and Putin. This is not by accident.

It’s the same phenomenon that occurred with the Pussy Hat Marches in Washington DC following Trump’s inauguration. These women were claiming that they were protesting Trump’s “grab em by the pussy” comments. But the reality is that these women were trying to get Trump’s attention in the hopes that he would grab them by their pussy.

It’s just basic sexual psychology at play, women want to be dominated by a more powerful man. They don’t want to be with soyboys or borderline homosexuals. They’re acting out in the hopes that they will attract an alpha male who will put them in their place.