The Krypto Report with Azzmador and friends is back for another Friday Night Special!

This is the Anti-Demon Resistance Stream!

Stream will start at 10PM Eastern, 9PM Central, 7PM Pacific! That’s 5AM tomorrow for all the hateful hook-nosed rat kikes in Tel Aviv!

As many of you know, the worst demons in the world are Jews. So Jews and their evil deeds will be a major topic of conversation on tonight’s stream!

Holocaust hoaxer Alex Jones may call in to talk about his court victory against ZOG Jews. The Infowars command bunker will be allowed to stay open!

Top Neo-Nazi commentator Bill O’Reilly will be on tap to explain to Jones how the Holocaust was a Jewish hoax. O’Reilly has written a new book about the Jewish Holocaust hoax called “Killing Kikes.”

Azzmador is really fired up today so you should expect to hear some legendary rants about Jews, niggers, faggots and other types of subhuman genetic waste!

The lobby is now open!

CLICK HERE FOR THE LIVESTREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!