Today is July 4th otherwise known as Independence Day. It is a day that Americans historically celebrated because it is the day that the United States declared its independence from the British Empire. As I look around and see what America has become, there is nothing to celebrate.

The Constitution as a result of the coronavirus hoax has been effectively suspended and we will be dealing with the economic and societal fallout from all the illegal lockdown orders for years if not decades.

We have an illegitimate Jewish occupational government in Washington DC fronted by a senile old man and a brown whore that went out of their way to ban fireworks at Mount Rushmore.

Every agenda these people have advanced has been designed to directly harm the American people. They don’t even want Americans to be able to normally celebrate historically American holidays.

I agree with Nick’s tweets.

He’s right. There is no reason to celebrate Independence Day. This not a free country and the people have no real freedoms. It is a country that has been usurped by evil Jews who are doing everything in their power to destroy us.

The only reason you would celebrate what’s going on is if you are a big fan of illegal Jewish wars, gay poop sex and trannies. This is literally what America stands for now.