The Republican Party is filled with staunch defenders of gay anal sex. Take in point Ted Cruz who is really angry that the African country of Uganda just instituted a new law against homosexuality. He’s claiming that having laws against homosexuality is uncivilized and that this law is a human rights abuse.

This once again proves what a joke the Republican Party is. Cruz is more concerned about the domestic affairs of a primitive African country than the very major problems we have here in the United States.

What makes this even worse is that his stance on the issue is totally wrong. Civilized countries do not allow homosexuals to run amok. Uganda is right to impose a brutal crackdown on homosexuality. Just look at all the dysfunction and problems legalized faggotry has caused in the West. This is why the world’s major religions have historically condemned homosexuality.

It is truly amazing to see how committed both Democrats and Republicans are to this global butt sex agenda. It is literally a top priority of there’s to spread faggotry everywhere around the world. They even wage wars to spread this sick and unnatural practice.

What else can I say. This is the end result of living inside a degenerate and evil Jewish homosexual empire.