The Taliban have come out supporting Donald Trump’s reelection as President of the United States.

It looks as if Trump is going to have all American troops out of Afghanistan soon. So it is not surprising to see the Taliban support his reelection bid. We’ve had forces there since 2001 and there is absolutely no reason for us to continue a military presence in the country. It’s of mutual benefit to both the Taliban and the American people for this military occupation to end.

Jews are already on Twitter going crazy about this.

This shithead falsely claimed that the Taliban did 9/11 to attack Trump.

Everyone knows that 9/11 was done by Jews. Specifically, Israel and their proxy Saudi Arabia were behind it. The Taliban did not do 9/11. They are innocent of these crimes.

I have nothing against the Taliban. We should not have invaded their country. It was the wrong thing to do. The proper response to 9/11 would have been to invade Saudi Arabia and Israel. The Jews know this which is why they’re going nuts about this.