The Sweden Democrats are poised for a huge election victory. If you are not familiar with them, they are an anti-Moslem, populist type party and polls show them leading against the establishment parties.

NBC News:

Around 4,000 far-right supporters gathered on the grounds of a ruined castle last weekend to plot the downfall of the socialist ideas that have come to define their progressive country.

Their views — anti-immigration, anti-establishment and often anti-Muslim — are not new amid the populist tsunami that’s crashed into much of the West.

But this is Sweden, where socialists have dominated every election for the past 101 years, making the Nordic nation something of a lodestar for leftists around the world.

Some polls predict that the supporters’ favored party, the Sweden Democrats, with roots in neo-Nazism and white nationalism, will win as much as 25 percent of the vote in an election scheduled for Sept. 9. Such a result would likely earn them a majority of seats in Parliament.

At the party’s annual summer festival here, speeches were interspersed with heavy metal music as supporters gathered at Sölvesborg Castle for the headline act: an address by Jimmie Åkesson, the 39-year-old leader of the Sweden Democrats.

“He’s the only politician I can trust,” a retiree named Jan shouted above the din. “We need him for our country. I don’t have so many years left, but for my children and for my grandchildren.”

Like many people here, Jan, 71, spoke on the condition that only his first name be used, so as not to be stigmatized for expressing his political views.

“Jimmie is the only one who can save Sweden,” he added.

It looks as if the native Swedes have finally had enough of the Islamic savages that have invaded their country. They need to kick them the fuck out. Their presence has created no-go zones throughout their cities. There has been vandalism, rapes and violence.

It’s an absolute disgrace what’s happened and an even bigger disgrace that it has been allowed to continue.

These sand monkeys have taken advantage of Sweden’s generous welfare system to feed off the Swedish people. Why the hell should this be allowed to continue? It’s insane. The Swedes don’t owe these freeloading brown pieces of a shit a damn thing.

If you are a Swede, get out and support the Sweden Democrats. The election is September 9th. These socialist and feminist faggots in power have betrayed their people and need to be removed.