NATO head Jens Stoltenberg is now openly calling for NATO weapons to be used inside of Russia.

This man is obviously insane. When NATO weapons were first provided to the Ukraine it was stated clearly that they were only to be used inside of Ukrainian territory. We’ve seen this position get thrown completely out the window with random strikes on Russian cities like Belgorod that have killed Russian civilians.

I guess Stoltenberg wants to push the world closer towards a nuclear armed conflict all to justify NATO’s existence. That’s not hyperbole either. Russia just conducted a tactical nuclear weapons drill in response to the endless aggressive rhetoric and acts from the West.

These ZOG assholes are really playing with fire with this type of rhetoric. You’d think they’d just chill out and try to negotiate a peace with Russia but they don’t want to do that.

They were so confident in their obviously stupid war plan that they developed no contingency plan for what to do if their plan failed. As a result, they’re just tripling down on this war, the sanctions and everything else despite it being to their own detriment. It’s just one retarded decision after another from these fools.