Steven Crowder is being accused of sending dick pics to male staffers. He is also being accused of whipping out his cock in front of people in the office.

It is possible that this is just a group of disgruntled employees lying about Crowder to discredit him, but it also would not surprise me if Crowder did in fact send dick pics to his male staffers.

This is someone who has strongly implied that he experimented with homosexuality in his younger years. He has also appeared in numerous videos dressed up like a woman and seemed to greatly enjoy dressing up like a woman. So based on these things, I would say that there could be some credibility to these dick pic claims.

I also think there is a high possibility that Crowder is a closeted homosexual. This dick pic story just makes this an even stronger possibility.

The entire “conservative” media is just a big dumpster fire and is filled with all sorts of weirdos. I supported Crowder for exposing the ridiculous Jewish business practices of Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire operation, but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s been involved in doing all sorts of weirdly gay shit.