lol at this tweet.

The State of the Union is definitely not strong as evidenced by the incoherent and embarrassing speech given by the fake President and senile vegetable Joe Biden a few days ago. It was easily the worst State of the Union speech ever delivered. It sounded like it was written by an elementary school student and made worse by the fact that it was given by a person whose brain is rotting out of his ears.

The speech ignored all the insanity and failures of the past 12 months and was filled with empty rhetoric and platitudes.

They even threw in some lines that were directly stolen from Donald Trump’s platform to con moderates into supporting him.

There were a number of embarrassing gaffes in the speech.

Gaffes aside, him saying that he’s going to solve inflation by telling businesses to cut costs not wages was completely nuts. Does he think he can just push a magic button and businesses can just cut all their costs? The price of everything is going through the roof because of endless money printing, government spending etc..

The stuff about supporting Ukraine was just as bad. It made me sick seeing all those people with Ukrainian flags. It’s as if the Ukrainian flag has replaced the COVID mask to display loyalty to this evil and insane regime.

Then you had Nancy Pelosi reacting in a disturbing and weird manner when Biden mentioned soldiers breathing in toxic smoke from burn pits.

But do you know the worst part about the speech? Biden didn’t mention Israel one time!