Coffee chain Starbucks is opposing mail-in voting for union elections because they are afraid of potential misconduct and vote fraud.

This guy’s comment sums up my thoughts.

Mail-in voting is an absurdity as it exponentially increases the probability that you’ll have fraudulent votes. Starbucks is admitting this by demanding an end to mail-in votes for these nationwide union elections.

No serious election has a mail-in voting system where anybody can just mail-in their ballots. Anybody that wants mail-in voting is effectively endorsing a fraudulent election system.

France banned mail-in voting back in the 1970s because of the potential for fraud.

Unfortunately, mail-in voting has been institutionalized in many parts of the country after the virus hoax. Take Pennsylvania as an example.

America’s election system is a joke. Nobody believes Joe Biden got 81 million votes in 2020. The old man barely got anybody who wanted to see him when he made public appearances. A substantial amount of that fraud was achieved through mail-in ballots and other forms of chicanery.

Mail-in voting has to be banned otherwise there is no reason to have faith in the election system. Of course, that’s just one of many problems with the election system that needs to be fixed. At least the Democrats seem to be having a harder time with their vote fraud operations. Even with this rigged system, they still have to pull it off and from what we’ve seen so far, they haven’t been doing a great job manufacturing fake votes.