We have revolutions brewing in Belarus, Lebanon and now Thailand. All conveniently in the middle of this global virus hoax.

This one in Thailand is particularly absurd because it is not clear why the people would be revolting against the government. Their alleged grievances are not that specific or transparent.

They’re basically claiming some gibberish about how the monarchy is bad and against democracy because some people were given long prison sentences. It’s utter nonsense. The entire movement is fake and manufactured by the CIA and other shills working with university students.

This situation like what’s going on in Belarus and Lebanon are just attempts to overthrow governments that are standing in the way of a global system controlled out of Israel. The fact that Thailand is a functioning monarchy and not a democracy means that it does not fit into the Jewish world government plan. That’s why it needs to be torn down and replaced.

But the fact that we are seeing all of these attempted revolutions at the same time is not a coincidence. This has all been carefully planned.