If you question the COVID hoax, the safety of the deadly vaxx, masks and government mandated lockdowns, you are now a potential terrorist according to the regime in Washington DC. This is not an exaggeration, they are literally saying this.

Read the bulletin from the Department of Homeland Security.

On top of questioning the COVID hoax, they are claiming that anybody questioning the legitimacy of the 2020 election is also a terrorist threat.

I remember in the 2000s seeing the Patriot Act and all these anti-terror laws being pushed and said then that they would eventually be used against normal Americans. At the time, they said that we were all conspiracy theorists. Well, now it is happening in real time.

Look at what they did to the patriots who entered the Capitol on January 6th. Cops literally let them into the building yet the government charged them with all sorts of fake crimes so they could imprison and torture them.

At this point, I would not be surprised if the FBI hoaxes a terror attack that they blame on anti-vaxxers or Trump supporters. They would then use that hoax as a pretext to round people up and put them in camps.

If you think that’s a far fetched scenario, I can assure you it is not.