This nonsense about Omarosa secretly recording people inside the White House was the top story in the Jew media today. She turned over some of the recordings to the press with them getting broadcast on the Today show.

She is using these recordings to help promote some goofy anti-Trump book detailing her time in the White House. The book has already come under fire from many sides for various inaccuracies.

She is also claiming that Trump is a racist and that there is a tape of Trump saying the “nigger” word.

It’s honestly hard to understand what she was thinking. Secretly recording people you work with is a pretty lousy thing to do in the first place but to do it inside the White House is a whole other ball game. She could find herself in some real hot water over this. And all this to sell some dumb book.

Trump chimed in on the fiasco with a few tweets.

She apparently violated a non-disclosure agreement.

And he also said that the “nigger” tape is a hoax.

The whole thing is dumb as fuck. We all know the only reason she had a job in the White House was because she was black. She was the token black they could point to so the kike media wouldn’t whine about there not being any niggers employed in the White House.

She’s obviously a very stupid and crazy person to do something like this. Unless of course this is somehow some type of elaborate troll between her and Trump to create a big media distraction. I wouldn’t say that this is impossible, but I would say that it is highly unlikely. Omarosa is a legitimately nutty individual so it is not a surprise that she as a disgruntled ex-employee would use secret recordings to help write a book for personal gain.

But the fact that she’s such a nutty individual means that her claims inside the book really can’t be believed. And she’s even being criticized for recording people secretly by pundits on CNN and MSNBC. So the spin has been instead to criticize Trump for jeopardizing national security. This is obviously a ridiculous narrative as this was just one rogue employee doing stupid stuff who got fired. So the problem was quickly identified and corrected.

It’s hard to see how she doesn’t get in trouble over this. However, we have a Department of Justice run by a literal Mister Magoo type person so she might not have anything to worry about.