Steve Sailer who is allegedly this old “based” boomer-aged racist guy has been going back and forth with Nick Fuentes and various groyper accounts on Twitter. I’ve been vaguely familiar with his work but never really followed his material all that closely. Either way, he lost all credibility when he came out today and said that only morons question the Jewish Holocaust hoax.

Nick dug a little deeper into Sailer and did some commentary that further exposes him as a bad actor.

Obviously, the opposite of what Sailer is saying is true. If you still believe in the Jewish Holocaust hoax of fake shower room gas chambers in 2024 you are either totally brainwashed, a moron, Jewish, or a shill for Jews.

There is no physical evidence for the alleged Holocaust of six million Jews. Most of these crazy atrocity lies we’ve heard repeatedly were invented by Jews decades after World War II. It was not mathematically possible for Germans to kill six million Jews and dispose of six million bodies in the timeframe alleged. There’s countless other things you could point to which fully disproves this lunatic Jewish fairy tale. This is just a small sampling.

I mean come on now. Soap made from Jewish fat? Lampshades made of Jewish skin? Electric floors? Rollercoasters of death? lol

Jews just lie over and over again. Just look at the lies they’ve spread recently about Hamas. They falsely claimed that Hamas cooked a Jewish baby in an oven and other nonsense that has been fully disproven.

Point blank, the alleged Jewish Holocaust of six million is a total and complete hoax. Sailer has totally discredited himself by reinforcing this historical fiction.