New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio who has gone full Nazi on Jews attempting to hold funerals in the city, has just declared that protests of any kind will not be allowed during this alleged pandemic.

This is not a constitutional order and is by definition unlawful. You can’t ban protests just because people in government are afraid of a virus.

Even though this is an extreme example, it is true that the Constitution has pretty much been suspended all around the country. We have governors, sheriffs and mayors using this pandemic hoax as justification for them to act like tyrants. There is nobody in the federal government doing anything about all these insane unconstitutional orders and edicts that have been issued.

The Attorney General Bill Barr issued a written statement a few weeks ago talking about how the Constitution can’t be suspended during a crisis.

That’s great, but there has been no action behind this memo. Countless violations of the Constitution have occurred and nothing is being done about them. Sort of like how nothing has been done about the Russia hoax even though we have been told for months that we are on the cusp of something great happening.

The whole justice system has been a joke for some time and what’s happening proves it yet again.

So no, I wouldn’t expect your constitutional rights to be restored any time soon. Especially not in a place like New York City. That’s literally the last place I’d want to be right now.

I’d rather be in the New York City depicted in John Carpenter’s dystopic film Escape from New York than real life New York City in 2020.