A Canadian rapper with horrible niggerish face tattoos and piercings named Tom MacDonald just did a rap video with Ben Shapiro. It is called “Facts” because Shapiro talks about facts not caring about your feelings. Pretty clever huh?

It is one of the worst things I have ever seen. I’ve embedded the video below but I do not recommend watching it. This video has emotionally scarred me for life.

It has reached the top spot on American iTunes primarily because people are curious to see just how horrible it really is. It’s like when people slowly drive by a car wreck hoping to see dead bodies or some shit.

As the Gentile News Network rightly pointed out, Shapiro is a Jew.

More specifically he is a highly obnoxious Zionist kike terrorist who belongs in the pits of hell.

The reviews of the rap video have been extremely negative.

I guess one person liked it.

This video is a crime against humanity. It is literally worse then GRIDS. Hell, this horrible content might give you GRIDS unless you triple wrap your computer/phone screen and speakers with the thickest type of condoms available at your local drug store.