Over the weekend, a huge march celebrating Poland’s independence drew 200,000 people to Warsaw including a large number of nationalist groups from around Europe. Based on the photos and videos available, it looked like an awesome event.


Huge crowds have been celebrating the centenary of Poland’s independence, amid controversy over a decision to include far-right groups.

Nationalists were among more than 200,000 people taking part in a march in the capital, Warsaw, which was led by President Andrzej Duda.

Opposition parties boycotted the event.

It comes as French President Emmanuel Macron urged world leaders marking the centenary of the World War One Armistice to reject nationalism.

Poland’s National Independence Day commemorates the restoration of the country’s sovereignty from the Russian, German and Austro-Hungarian empires in 1918.

Most participants in Sunday’s march in Warsaw were seen carrying Polish flags and wearing red-and-white armbands, but some were holding banners representing far-right parties from Poland and Italy.

Some did not seem to appreciate the awesomeness of the event.

This clown thought it was scary.

And then you have others saying that the event was a second Holocaust. Never mind the fact that there was never a first Holocaust.

There has been little coverage of this event in the Jew news media. They definitely don’t want people knowing that 200,000 White Europeans got together to celebrate the racial and national heritage of a White nation.