Well, I’ve gone from being cautiously optimistic about Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter to being greatly pessimistic after seeing this exchange.

Lebron James a basketball playing billionaire house nigger of Jews was whining about people saying “nigger” on Twitter. Musk responded to James by retweeting the Jew Yoel Roth who is still employed at Twitter doing some sort of safety nonsense. He’s actually the Jew who was responsible for fact-checking Donald Trump. Roth said that the accounts spamming the “nigger” word were inauthentic and banned.

I guess they could have just been bots purposefully spamming “nigger” to make Musk look bad and to discourage him from implementing free speech. If they were bots, I don’t have a problem with them being banned. If they were not bots, they should not have banned. Who the fuck cares if a real person is saying “nigger”?

What I don’t understand is why Musk felt compelled to reach out to James just because he was hurt over the word “nigger” being posted. Plus, why did he retweet this safety Jew faggot?

There’s unfortunately no defending this.

James is a pussy bitch ass nigga who does whatever the Jews tell him to do. He refused to publish a Ye interview because he said things about Jews and now he’s whining about people saying “nigger” on the Internet and claiming it is scary.

The content moderation council was one thing, but it is hard to give Elon the benefit of the doubt on this. This safety Jew person is one of the people he should be firing. He shouldn’t be retweeting him to a cry baby billionaire nigger basketball player who is so insecure to the point where he can’t handle seeing the word “nigger” on a computer screen.

I’m assuming James listens to rap and the average rap song you hear today has the word “nigger” being said 100 times. He’s not complaining about that though is he?

It’s just ridiculous.

I’ve said before that you can gauge if a site is free speech or not based on if they allow people to say words like “nigger” and “kike.” It’s a fairly solid litmus test.

I guess we’ll just have to see how this all develops, but this is not a good sign at all. I want free speech and free speech means that people can say “nigger.” There is no way around this.