A new article from the New York Post is describing how Mexicans in Mexico City are reportedly upset at the influx of Americans living there. They say there are people mad because Americans are causing the cost of living to increase.

The Los Angeles Times has a similar piece complaining about how Americans are changing the racial dynamics of Mexico City.

Quite the hilarious take considering if you as a WHITE American complain about brown and black people changing the racial dynamics of American cities, people will call you all sorts of names and try to destroy your life.

It is true that there is an increase of Americans who have chosen to leave the United States and move to Mexico. The cost of living in America is out of control, so remote workers can do their job in Mexico with reduced living costs.

But honestly, I’m not quite sure why a significant number of Mexicans would be upset at this. These Americans are only spending money into their local economy. Sure, maybe the cost of rent in things like that have gone up, but I doubt that’s exclusively because of Americans choosing to live there.

I could see why they’d be upset with poor foreigners flooding into their country, but Americans coming to Mexico to spend their money sounds like the least of their problems. I’ve been to various third world countries and while there are exceptions, the locals generally like it when WHITE people visit because they WHITES spend money into their economy.

Quite frankly, with the way things are going, you could argue that Mexico is a better place to live than the United States. Not saying that it is perfect, but it has its advantages for sure.