I just wanted to quickly wish the people who read and support this site a Merry Christmas. This does not apply to the Jews because they killed Jesus Christ and don’t support this site. In fact, they’ve done everything in their power to take the site offline.

The Jews hate this site because they can’t handle anybody who speaks the truth about them. It’s the same reason why they conspired to kill Jesus Christ over 2,000 years ago.

Jews are an enemy of Christianity. They have continued to plot ways to subvert and destroy what has historically been a unifying religious doctrine practiced by many White Europeans. They’ve tried to pervert the original spiritual meaning behind Christmas into something that is focused around materialism and consumerism. They’ve even tried to remove Christ from Christmas by promoting stupid Christmas songs about the weather and what not.

No matter what they do, they will never be able to remove Christ from Christmas. It doesn’t matter what plots they conceive or how corrupted all these so-called Christian organizations become.

But regardless of your views on Christianity, it is in our practical best interest to support a restoration of this religious doctrine to its original foundation. If anything, it represents a unifying spiritual defense against the evil being spread by Jews.

Many Jews will openly admit their hostility towards Christianity and that alone speaks volumes as to why it needs to be defended. The groyper wars which we saw unfold towards the end of this year is a positive step in this direction.

After I post this, I’ll be logging offline to celebrate Christmas with friends and family and will resume posting tomorrow.

I hope all of you will be doing the same.

Merry Christmas!