Food bank lines have been continuing to pop up all over the country. The San Francisco area has been hit especially hard.


The pandemic has pushed food insecurity to levels not see in decades and people are relying on food banks more than ever here in the Bay Area.

Three times a week, hundreds of cars line up as thousands of pounds of food are all given away at the Alameda County Food Bank.

“We’ve never seen anything like this in 35 years in business. Each one of these distribution is serving well over a thousand cars!” said the food bank’s Director Community Engagement Mike Altfest.

Same goes for the Louisiana area after dealing with the economic fallout from the virus hoax and the hurricane that just ripped through there.

There’s countless examples of this. All of which has been a direct result of state governments deciding to close the economy over the flu. It should be obvious to even the dumbest of people that far more are going to die from starvation, malnutrition and suicide than they will from the coronavirus.

Nice job everyone. Real nice job.