Emmanuel Macron is admitting that the sanctions on Russia have failed. He’s also been trying to put lipstick on a very ugly pig when describing the Ukraine war.


The EU must maintain its support for Ukraine and prevent Russia from winning on the battlefield despite rising doubts about Kiev’s future, insisted French President Emmanuel Macron in an interview with the broadcaster France 5 on Wednesday.

The French leader stated that Western countries together with Ukraine had managed to win “strategic victories” such as preventing Russian forces from advancing deeper into Ukrainian territory, including previously neutral Finland into NATO, and launching the accession process for Sweden to also join the US-led military bloc.

However, at the same time, he admitted that the US and the EU were “less successful” in collapsing the Russian economy through sanctions and limiting imports of Russian energy. Macron blamed this failure on countries allegedly helping Russia circumvent Western sanctions.

Moscow itself has repeatedly stated that the West’s sanctions have effectively backfired on those who imposed them. Meanwhile, the restrictions have been “not so painful” for Russia, according to Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov.

It would appear as if the collective West is looking for a way out of the disaster that they created for themselves. Public statements from Western political leaders and the Jewish media have become increasingly negative about the Ukraine. The whole thing has been a failure for the ZOG power structure. Russia’s economic and military power is stronger than it ever.

Regardless of what happens, the Kiev regime isn’t getting the funding they need and they’re running out of people to throw into the meat grinder. It would be shocking if this whole corrupt enterprise doesn’t unravel in 2024.