One of the funnier things Donald Trump has done recently is demand that Joe Biden take a pre-debate drug test. Biden has refused to do so, leading Trump to respond with this tweet.

It’s very possible that Biden is being drugged with something before he makes public appearances. This as part of an effort to make him seem somewhat coherent. The fact that he is refusing to take a drug test, seems to make this an even more likely scenario.

Trump also offered to take a drug test himself if Biden agreed to take one.

Everything with Biden is nuts. I can’t even believe that this man is still being allowed to run for the presidency considering the condition he is in. This is like Hunger Games type weirdness we are seeing in real life.

And guess what? Barring some last minute excuse, this senile old man is actually going to debate Trump tomorrow.

I honestly can’t wait to watch it. As I’ve said before, it could be one of the funniest and bizarre events in American political history.