The Jews are whining about the United Nations observing a moment of silence for Iran’s late President Ebrahim Raisi. The Israeli ambassador to the UN asked if a moment of silence for Adolf Hitler was next.

Jews have been amplifying their whining on social media. Here’s some of the bullshit we are seeing from these god damned Jews.

Raisi was not a “butcher” as the Jews claim. He was simply a man who rose to political power and represented his people the best way he felt he could in the face of Zionist aggression.

I’ll take Vladimir Putin’s opinion of Raisi over the opinion of these satanic Jews and their paid shills. Putin had a great relationship with Raisi and spoke highly of him before and after his death. He’s even going to fly to Tehran to attend his funeral.

Say whatever you want about Raisi but he never tried to start pointless wars nor did he slaughter tens of thousands of defenseless people like the Jews have. The Jews are lying about him and their outrage over this simple moment of silence speaks volumes about their entire horrible race.

I do think a moment of silence for Hitler would be an excellent idea though. Hopefully the UN does that in the future. I would like that very much.