The sadistic Jewish kike and evil lizard looking piece of shit Mark Zuckerberg posted a weird video of himself surfing with an American flag. He allegedly posted this to celebrate the July 4th holiday.

This was no July 4th celebration. This was open mockery by the kike. If he is celebrating anything it is the destruction of the country.

As I noted yesterday, there was nothing to celebrate yesterday. America has been flushed into the abyss and this Jew over the past decade or so has played a major role in its destruction. He ensured through his control of social media properties like Facebook and Instagram, that Americans have no ability to engage in normal political discourse or free speech. He banned and censored Donald Trump supporters throughout the last election cycle and helped support all the mail-in voting fraud. Trump himself was even banned by this kike.

This video was shot in Idaho which is one of the Whitest places in America. Him floating above water on a board while holding the American flag was deliberately done to make fun of White Christian Americans. Remember, Jesus Christ was said to walk on water and this whole video is nothing but Jewish mockery of both Christ and the concept of America as a White Christian nation.

Nothing Zuckerberg puts out for public consumption is by accident. He has a whole team managing public relations, so anybody claiming that this was just some random thing that was put together is a fool. This was carefully orchestrated mockery by the kike.