The Jew clown Zelensky was interviewed by CNN and fully admitted that the Ukraine’s entire existence is dependent on the United States and American tax money.


Kiev could lose the war without continued financial and military help from the US, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky told CNN in response to a question about internal American politics, during an interview aired on Sunday.

“I’m grateful to President [Joe] Biden and the White House and the bipartisan support,” Zelensky told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria during the interview, recorded in Kiev at some point over the past week. “Without this support, we will not be able to return our lands.”

“I want to believe that bipartisan support will remain strong and steadfast. For us, that’s extremely important,” Zelensky added, addressing Zakaria’s claim that a Republican victory in the November midterms would result in the US “supporting Ukraine less.”

If the West stops sending weapons and money to Kiev, “Russia could win this fight,” Zelensky told CNN. He added that he would be willing to make arguments in defense of the aid to US taxpayers, who need to know their money is going to defend Western “values.”

Zelensky says our money is going to defend “values.” What “values” does he mean? The only “values” I see being promoted and defended in the West are gay anal sex, child trannies and abortions. I guess you could also throw in satanism, Internet pornography and other random Jewish evils alongside those too.

The point being is these are not “values” that any normal American wishes to defend. Zelensky has turned the Ukraine into a dictatorship where there is no political opposition, no freedom of speech, no freedom of press etc..

We should let the Ukraine collapse. It is effectively a failed state without American money being dumped into it. There shouldn’t have been a single dollar sent over to this illegitimate and corrupt government that Zelensky serves as the figurehead for.