The Jewish CNN host Jake Tapper did a lengthy show segment basically demanding that alternative tech sites be banned because Ye and other people are saying negative things about Jews. It mostly focused on Ye’s purchase of Parler. The segment was filled with all sorts of Jewish lies and nonsense.

He actually signed up for Gab and declared that it was bad because people were talking about Jews on it. He was especially freaked out about a post he saw with Adolf Hitler’s photo on it.

The Jewish argument about speech on the Internet used to be that Facebook, Twitter and all these other sites that they owned could ban whatever content they wanted because they were private companies. Now that people have built alternative social media sites that allow more free speech, they are just openly calling for them to be banned. The private company argument is never uttered from the mouths of these Jews. They just act like they never said these things.

It would not surprise me if these Jews call for Twitter to be closed if Elon Musk goes through on his promise to bring back free speech to it.

Everything these Jews say and do is about accumulating more power for themselves. They don’t care if they lie or hypocritically contradict previous positions. That’s why the Jew Tapper is attacking these alt-tech sites. They see all this open discussion about Jews as a big threat to their power.