Some Jew prick named Gabe Hoffman who brags about being a hedge fund manager felt the need to gloat about my friend’s death yesterday. Hoffman was apparently involved in financing the Open Secret film which only provided superficial commentary on the pedo problems in Jewish Hollywood. He in typical Jew fashion felt the need to repeatedly lie about Azzmador claiming that he was a violent man which is total and complete bullshit.

This Jew knew nothing about Azzmador outside of the bullshit lies his racial kin spread about him. Azzmador did not endorse violence and as Jews always do they purposefully misinterpret or take things out of context to smear people. They also really enjoy smearing the dead. Look no further than all the lies they’ve spread about the great German stateman Adolf Hitler.

Here he is claiming that Internet jokes were literal threats and that’s assuming that he’s even using real quotes to begin with.

For some reason the kike thought it was appropriate to do multiple posts about his death.

He claims that Azzmador’s mother “allegedly” called me.

No kike. I have a fucking voicemail from her and I spoke with her personally. There is nothing “alleged” here.

Look at his sources.

He posted other bullshit about Azzmador that I’m not going to bother reposting. His gloating was totally unnecessary and done purposefully. This type of thing just reinforces my hatred of Jews. How can you not hate them when they behave this way?

Plus, this Jew openly brags about being a hedge fund manager. The fact that he is a hedge fund manager says all you really need to know about this shitbag. He makes a living off of moving shekels around on computers and doing corrupt financial scams.

This Jew can not so kindly fuck off to hell. If you happen to see this Hoffman Jew walking around in public, please tell him I said this. Or if that’s not possible, leave him a message telling him so on his social media. He definitely needs to be told what a horrible kike piece of shit he is.