Jack Dorsey admitted the other day that he helped ruin the Internet with how he mismanaged Twitter.

He could have made up for all of this by admitting he was wrong when he was CEO and ordered an immediate reinstatement of everyone who was wrongly banned. He could have fired all of the “woke” free speech hating morons who worked for him. But instead of doing these things, he quit his position. Now some weird Indian is in charge who is going even crazier with bans and censorship.

He just couldn’t handle the pressure of the position he was in. It is possible that he was blackmailed, threatened or coerced into doing all the bans and censorship, but that isn’t a valid excuse. He had a responsibility to uphold free speech for everyone and he failed in this responsibility.

Hopefully Elon Musk will be able to help change things with Twitter now that he’s their largest shareholder, but I’ll believe it when I see it. Him talking about an “edit” button and things of that sort are not meaningful changes.

If Twitter reinstates Donald Trump, Alex Jones and people like that, I might have some reason to be optimistic. Obviously there’s going to be major forces against restoring any level of free speech on Twitter. It’s simply become too important of a tool for the ZOG machine to advance their narratives.