Israel claims they found a Hamas terror tunnel at Al-Shifa Hospital and have provided video evidence!

The video shows nothing of substance. It hardly looks like something that Hamas soldiers would be climbing in and out of. There’s no ladder or anything of the sort. It looks more like a utility shaft of some kind.

I wasn’t impressed. Others weren’t impressed either.

I was also promised a Hamas command center. This is not a Hamas command center. It is a far cry from that.

The video conveniently cuts away at around the 1:12-1:13 mark indicating the high probability that they spliced two completely different clips together. There is no way to know that what you see after that point is footage taken from the same location.

I’m not the only one who noticed this.

It is worth reiterating that the Jews built some tunnels here back in the 1980s when they occupied Gaza. Many suspected that they would try to find and use these tunnels that they built to justify their attacks on hospitals. I’m not sure if what they showed here is that, but it is an important point.

One other point is that the hole in the ground they show seems to be a somewhat significant distance away from any of the buildings. We were told consistently that the Hamas command center was directly under buildings. This is definitely not that.

It’s just ridiculous. All of this can be easily faked any way.

This is just more propaganda meant to pathetically justify their war crimes. They’d be better off trying to find the real tunnels Hamas is using. They don’t seem very enthusiastic about doing that however.