The scam of “higher education” is continuing to collapse. Even the clowns at CNBC have been forced to acknowledge this reality.

This is not surprising at all.

Colleges and universities have been charging obscene amounts of money for students to obtain degrees that have less and less value. I mean, they’re just giving low IQ niggers degrees because they’re niggers. The more people who have degrees the less valuable the degrees become due to simple supply and demand factors.

The original idea behind earning a college degree was that the degree would make it easier for you to earn more money and thus obtain a higher standard of living. This is no longer an assumption that can be made. Just look at all the people who have Art History degrees who end up working at Starbucks.

At this point, the college system is mostly just a way to scam young people into taking on huge piles of debt in exchange for a credential that in many cases has little to no value. STEM degrees might still be an exception, but even that’s become an increasingly questionable exception. They’re also places that actively brainwash students into embracing Marxism and other Jewish bullshit.

It is worth noting that with the Internet, you don’t need to spend huge sums on money to attend college classes to learn the same information and knowledge. It’s not the 1970s any longer.

It’s no wonder why more and more of these institutions are going out of business. The entire system is really a relic of an era that no longer exists.