Recently, El Salvador announced that they were making Bitcoin legal tender. The International Monetary Fund or IMF is none to happy about the news and is claiming that there’s all sorts of problems with them doing this.

They’re basically threatening El Salvador for daring to use a currency system that is out of their control. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies undermine their ability to use debt and loans to bankrupt and control third world countries. That’s why they are very concerned with this announcement and are claiming that there are “risks” and “challenges” with this.

El Salvador is also planning on using a volcano to power Bitcoin mining operations which is a fantastic idea.

This undermines the retarded narrative advanced by people like Elon Musk and Elizabeth Warren who have falsely claimed that Bitcoin is bad because mining it contributes to weather changes. They can’t use this rhetoric to attack El Salvador if they are using geothermal energy to do Bitcoin mining which is a 100 percent renewable energy source.

Warren originally entered politics claiming that she would stand against big Wall Street banks. But you wouldn’t have known that looking at how her Bitcoin position is in lockstep with these same banks, the IMF and all these other corrupt Jewish financial institutions.

Anybody who is legitimately opposed to this corrupt Jewish usury system would be supportive of alternatives like Bitcoin. They would not be shilling weird narratives about Bitcoin contributing to climate change which isn’t even a real problem to begin with.

Hopefully this idea spreads throughout Central America and more countries move away from the United States Dollar. The days of the USD being the center of the global financial system is coming to an end one way or another.