A major hurricane has just knocked out electricity in Puerto Rico. Looks like they’ll be dealing with all sorts of infrastructure damage.

A similar thing happened when Donald Trump was President and they said he was racist because electricity didn’t get restored fast enough to the island.

I honestly don’t get what Puerto Rico does for the United States. The island seems to be more of a burden than an asset. The infrastructure keeps getting destroyed by hurricanes and they are always getting bailed out by the federal government to fix everything.

There’s also a bunch of people on the island whining about colonialism and other bullshit even though the people they call colonialists keep helping them restore their infrastructure.

It almost seems as if the US would be better off letting Puerto Rico become its own independent country. The local government is also about as corrupt as your average Central American nation. So that’s another problem.

Whatever the case, the future of Puerto Rico is a much more minor concern in the grand scheme of things. But it will definitely be getting more attention again because of this natural disaster.