In Greece, the Golden Dawn has been declared a criminal organization by a court.

Naturally Jews are celebrating this.

A few years back the Golden Dawn was the third largest political party in the country and was getting close to taking power. That’s when a weird hoax was orchestrated to charge the party’s leadership with crimes. This appears to be the final outcome of the situation.

What this shows is that these systems of democracy that we have in the West are totally illegitimate. How is there democracy when a significant political party can just be declared a criminal organization with no evidence? Wouldn’t the people in a democracy be smart enough not to elect a criminal organization to power?

Democracy is a sham. If the people vote for something that Jews dislike, they’ll do everything in their power to overturn the result. We’ve seen this with Donald Trump’s election in 2016, Brexit etc.. They will also try to limit the options you have to choose from like we’ve seen with what just happened to the Golden Dawn in Greece.