So Google has decided to honor the Negro poet Maya Angelou by putting her on the front page of their search engine. She passed away a few years ago but would have turned 90 today.

It’s probably worth noting that her poetry sucks. It’s just a bunch of nigger babble about how she was oppressed and succeeded against oppression and sad times. I’m convinced that the only reason we know anything about her ramblings is because Jews promoted it. She was actively involved in the 1960s civil rights movement so that in of itself probably played a major role in elevating her status. The Jews were fully invested in all that shit.

But how is it that some shitty Negro poet is honored and Easter one of the most important Christian holidays was given no recognition?

That’s a rhetorical question because I already know the answer. That answer is the fact that Google is controlled by Jews who hate anything to do with Christianity. They also desire to use non-White racial groups to attack and subvert our societies and cultures. That’s why shitty poets like Angelou and her nigger babble are promoted as important things.