Gavin Newsom says there’s no inflation. He even claimed that prices have gone down.

He cites the Labor Department as a source for these figures which means the numbers are grossly unreliable. The Labor Department and all government agencies are notorious for their lies.

Obviously, the cost of almost everything you need to survive has gone up. We also have the phenomenon of “shrinkflation” where companies are charging the same amount for things but providing you with less product. This helps to hide the severity of the inflation problem. I also highly doubt that the Labor Department is taking “shrinkflation” into account with any of their statistics.

Finally, if there’s no inflation, perhaps Newsom can explain why McDonald’s is charging almost $20 for a Big Mac meal in some parts of the country. I remember when a Big Mac meal cost around $5.

Newsom is just a liar and he’s destroyed California with his retarded policies. It’s no wonder why the Democrats might have him replace Joe Biden as their nominee for the presidency. He’s just a younger more articulate version of Biden.